SHKS Architects
SHKS Architects focuses on building projects that combine contemporary use, community value, and cultural continuity. The practice is recognized as a leader in resource conservation and vitality in the design of highly visible public facilities. We find elegance in necessity, elevating the core principles of each unique site and building project to reflect our clients’ aspirations. Through discovery, collaboration, care, and craft, we reveal architecture’s inherent optimism, contributing to the local community and to the global stewardship of natural and built environments.
SHKS specializes in the program and design of public buildings. The practice is focused on the design of sustainable community buildings and sites, conserving embodied energy, material, cultural resources, habitat, and heritage. In addition to SHKS’s experience providing architectural services and managing public projects, SHKS provides design expertise including interior design services. SHKS Architects is a regional leader in sustaining heritage through building reuse.
Our expertise includes master planning, needs and facilities assessments, site selection and feasibility studies, programming, and architectural design for renovations, additions, and new buildings to transform existing facilities and provide for 21st century community needs.